⟨⟨ About Graham Burgess ⟩⟩

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A picture of me!



Hello, and welcome to my personal website! I created this site for ENG 317: Designing Networked Communications with Professor Malcolm Ogden. I hope you enjoy your visit and maybe learn a little more about who I am.


To give you a brief introduction of myself, I am linguistics major at the University of North Carolina who will be starting his Ph.D. in linguistics at the University of Georgia this coming fall in 2022. I enjoy linguistics not only as an academic and occupational pursuit but also as a hobby, and I enjoy playing video games, as well. On top of all of this, I am a devout Catholic, and I spend much of my time at Mass and reading documents from the Catholic Church.


This is the home page for this website. Navigation is relatively simple! To go to a page, simply click on its button—all three of these buttons are located underneath my selfie at the top of every page on the site. For example, if you want go to ACADEMICS, click on the cyan button. The title of each page is fairly self-explanatory, so, for instance, RELIGION primarily covers my relationship with the religion I practice, Catholicism.

If you'd like to return to HOME, click on the selfie at the top of the page, and it will bring you right back to this landing page. Additionally, you can view the error page as well as my references by clicking the floating pink note boxes in the upper right corner of every page. That's about all there is to it!